Illegal Youtube-Bot creates new Channels filled with stolen videos from other youtubers! via /r/tech

Illegal Youtube-Bot creates new Channels filled with stolen videos from other youtubers!

Today I found out that many of my YouTube videos were stolen and re-uploaded by other users. It looked like someone was copying all my videos and monetized them to make money out of them. I have since then filed many copyright complaints and most videos have been deleted, some channels have been blocked by YouTube.

However, when I checked the source-code in firefox on one of the stolen videos, I found out that they used the exact same keywords as I have, on each video! And they are all different!

So unless someone has way to much time to check all my keywords, I believe that there was some kind of BOT running and copying random YouTube channels.

So I did a bit of googling and I found THIS:

This is exactly what is happening to my YouTube channel (and possible many others). The problem however is that there is nothing we can do about it. Yes we can file copyright complaints and their channel will get blocked, but they start a new one each time! I've had 5 different YouTube channels copying me in the last 2 days….

I wish I could inform YouTube about this directly, but I can't. And they are probably already aware of this.

Any toughs?

Submitted October 31, 2016 at 05:02PM by blatok
via reddit

0 Display Memory HELP via /r/tech

0 Display Memory HELP

I have a 980 TI GPU made by EVGA. I have contacted both them and nVidia, trying to increase my display memory from 0, as there is a game from around 2005 (black and white 2) that requires it. Apparently my custom built PC is beyond such trivial matters, as there is absolutely no workaround that I can find, and I am possibly the one person who has tried to play this game with such a GPU.

PLEASE HELP as I really liked this game, and am being denied by progress.

Submitted October 31, 2016 at 03:53PM by Nash-4Prez
via reddit